Mission Statement

To love, cherish and nurture, giving help, encouragement and guidance as you develop and grow.

From our unique position we have the information, knowledge and wisdom to make the best possible decisions for you. Through an understanding of your desires and needs we are able to to guide you to your maximum potential. Whatever you do, however far you stray we will always be here for you. Although you may sometimes feel abandoned and alone we are still with you. You will always be forgiven, but your journey will not always be easy. For you to learn and mature there will be hardships and trials, but with our help these can be over come and you will flourish.

You are living a better life with perfectmother.


The Perfectmother emblem has always stood for creative excellence and is becoming the respected benchmark in today's growing art world.

As more and more shows, exhibitions, projects, events and productions are staged it is becoming increasingly difficult for professionals and the art-going public select how and where to spend their time.

At Perfectmother we have always supported excellence and invested in the talent of artists and individuals. As part of our continuing policy to develop and assist creative endeavor we are implementing a system of quality assurance.

A limited number of artistic enterprises will be awarded the rights to display our symbol on their publicity material. In this way arts activities of distinction will be recognized and acknowledged as such.

To apply we require a 500-word proposal explaining what you want to do, the names of the artists and main people involved and how and where you intend to display the Perfectmother motif. There is non-negotiable, non-returnable fee of £15 for each application.

Contact us for details.

We wish you luck with your application.
